We cannot do this work alone! We encourage every member of the community to join us so we can continue to be a beacon of hope for those in need.

Thank you for supporting My Sisters' Place!

Click below to learn more about ways to get involved:

Make a Donation
Create Your Own Fundraiser
Team MSP
In-Kind Program
Support an Event

Make a Donation 

Click here to make a gift online. For information on additional ways to make a monetary contribution to My Sisters' Place, click here

Your tax-deductible donation enables us to provide free emergency shelter; counseling, legal, and support services; children’s programming; and outreach and training throughout Westchester County and the surrounding region.


Create Your Own Fundraiser

Celebrate your next special occasion by encouraging friends and family to make a donation to
My Sisters' Place.



Team MSP

Support the work of My Sisters' Place through athletic events! Create your own event or join an existing one.




We welcome the opportunity to work with individuals, community groups, and corporations who want to help create change.

My Sisters’ Place and the families we serve need the support of our friends throughout Westchester and beyond more than ever. Our regular, in-person volunteer program has been suspended for a while, but we are slowly adding in-person activities where the need arises. We are excited to be getting back to doing more and to working with our volunteers face-to-face when requested! Pleasec click on the link below to check out the many ways that you can volunteer and help us from your home, workplace and any other location you find yourself in.



Support Our In-Kind Program

Our in-kind donation program is dedicated to the well-being, safety, and sustainability of our clients' lives, and is an extension of holistic services provided at MSP. Our goal is to provide necessary and leisurely items for people in times of crisis and transition.



Support an Event 

MSP hosts multiple special events throughout the year. These fundraisers are critical to our ability to support survivors in their journeys toward peace and safety, and are also a wonderful way to spread our mission.
Join us!