Our clients benefit greatly from the trusting, collaborative relationships that MSP has built with community-based organizations, social service agencies, law enforcement and government entities, and we are committed to maintaining strong cross-referrals relationships with these community partners. Such collaborations are critical to our ability to provide a comprehensive response to DV and HT and to ensure that our clients have access to specialized supportive services beyond those provided by MSP.

MSP is a partner in Westchester County’s Domestic Violence High-Risk Team (DVHRT) - a collaboration among Westchester County’s Office for Women, Westchester Medical Center, and local victim service providers, including MSP, Hope’s Door, Putnam/Northern Westchester Women’s Resource Center, Pace Women’s Justice Center, Legal Services of the Hudson Valley, and WestCOP/VAS. Law enforcement agencies, including the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office and many of the county’s 45+ police departments, are also participating in the task force. The DVHRT initiative has trained law enforcement officers across the county to screen for high-risk cases when responding to domestic incidents and created a set of procedures for engaging specialized DV advocates to respond appropriately by connecting victims to a range of services.

MSP is a co-founder and active member of the Westchester County Anti-Trafficking Task Force, which brings together a multidisciplinary team including federal, state and local law enforcement, government agencies, and social service providers committed to identifying and assisting victims and coordinating the investigation and prosecution of cases of human trafficking throughout the County.

MSP is also a member of the Westchester County Suicide Prevention Task Forcea group comprised of representatives of government agencies, not-for-profit organizations, community members and volunteers, to increase awareness, decrease stigma, and implement and support  programs throughout Westchester County aimed at suicide prevention.

MSP maintains cross-referral partnerships with a board array of community partners including:


MSP is a proud member of the Westchester Women’s Agenda and Non Profit Westchester. MSP staff also serve on the Board of Directors of the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence