Deaf Awareness: The Critical Importance of Language Access for Deaf Children and Families

By Isabella Albert, Project Coordinator of Linking Communities




Supporting Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Hard of Hearing, or Late-Deafened Survivors: Navigating Unique Barriers

By Isabella Albert, Project Coordinator of Linking Communities

At My Sisters' Place (MSP), we recognize the unique challenges faced by Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Hard of Hearing,…


Volunteering at My Sisters' Place

Volunteerism has been foundational to My Sisters’ Place: from our grassroots origins today, MSP values the contributions of the many community…


Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM).

Preventing abuse and exploitation is central to the work of My Sisters' Place, and a critical part of our mission to end domestic violence and human trafficking.

In 1981, recognizing the need to reach out to directly engage young people on issues such as teen dating…


Interview with MSP's Anti-Trafficking Program Case Managers

Human trafficking is defined as the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining a person for the purpose of commercial sex or labor and services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. Since the development of MSP’s Anti-Trafficking Program, our case managers have helped hundreds of survivors from all across Westchester…


What is Domestic Violence?

Every October organizations, communities, and individuals across the nation rally together to spread awareness of domestic violence. You may be wondering, why?

Domestic violence is an intentional pattern of behavior used by a current or former intimate partner to establish and maintain power and control over a person.

According to the National…


A Celebration of the Linking Communities Collaboration

September is Deaf Awareness Month, and our goal is to spread awareness about the services MSP offers to support Deaf and Hard of Hearing survivors in our community. Below is a Q & A with our Project Coordinator for the Linking Communities Collaboration, Jacqueline Mamorsky. Jacqueline is Deaf and her background…


Insights from a Survivor of Human Trafficking

January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Throughout the month, it is our goal to shed light on the truths of human trafficking and share some survivors’ experiences.


An Interview with MSP Educators

We had the opportunity to sit down with two of our educators, Jay and Cris, to talk about the amazing work that they do, educating students about healthy relationships in schools all across Westchester County.


Courageous Voices: Ness's Story

Ness is a survivor of domestic violence and founding member of our survivor advisory group: Survivors Inspiring Action (SIA). She spoke at MSP’s Fall Luncheon in October 2021. Read on to hear part of her story she shared.