Looking Back On 2021

Our determination to provide safety and healing to survivors never wavered over this past year, even as the COVID-19 pandemic continued to pose unique challenges. Our clients provide us with extraordinary inspiration everyday as they each navigate their journey towards safety and hope. Join us as we reflect on what MSP was able to accomplish in 2021, and see how we plan to continue serving survivors in 2022 and beyond.


Human Trafficking Awareness Month

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month! At My Sisters’ Place, we see many human trafficking survivors, and know that there are many misconceptions about the topic. It is crucial in our role as case managers and advocates to share information about the subject of human trafficking and share how our survivors find ways to heal as they move forward in their lives.


Safety Planning 101

Creating a safety plan is a crucial part of many survivors’ healing processes. It’s exactly what the name implies: it’s an outline of ways for survivors to stay as safe as possible around their abusers and/or if they choose to leave their abuser. Whether this blog is helpful to you or a loved one, read on to learn more about how to create a safety plan.


Domestic Violence Myths Debunked

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. While we dedicate every day to supporting survivors and educating community members about domestic violence, we’re dedicating this month to continuing these crucial conversations. Let’s jump in by taking a look at some common myths and misconceptions about domestic violence.


Meet Our Education & Prevention Team!

MSP provides educational workshops and trainings on domestic violence and healthy relationships, as well as student leadership opportunities like our Giant Steps program and Summer Leadership Institute. By attending our workshops or joining our leadership programs, you too are part of the movement to create a world where everyone has the basic human right to be free from gender-based violence and to engage in relationships that embrace the principles of respect, equality, and safety. Read on to learn about each of our education staff members and what they do at MSP!


Digital Consent 101

Technology makes it easy to stay connected even when we can’t be together physically—whether through social media, texting, or video chat. In a time where everyone is so interconnected, boundaries take on new forms. Respecting people’s boundaries and maintaining healthy relationships online is just as important as it is in-person, which requires “digital consent.”


How Can Parents and Caregivers Help Teens Recognize Healthy Relationships?

Calling all parents and caregivers! Teaching your kids about healthy relationships doesn't have to be awkward. Continue reading to learn how to have these difficult conversations and replicate healthy relationships for the teens in your life.


Why Can It Be Hard to Leave Someone Who Is Being Abusive?

There are many different reasons why someone might find it hard to leave an abusive relationship. It takes a lot of courage for survivors to tell others about their abuse and to seek help. Read on to find out different barriers survivors may face when trying to leave an abusive relationship.


Valentine’s Day: What’s in Your Heart?

Do you ever wonder what you're looking for in a relationship or what a healthy relationship looks like? Doing "Heart Checks" with yourself and your partner(s) can help you figure out how you're feeling and check in with the status of your relationship.


Jealousy: Can It Be a Red Flag?

#YOUthMATTER! Calling All Youth! These blog posts are for you! Once a week during Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, MSP’s Youth Education and Prevention Team will offer a weekly look at an issue connected to dating – because YOUthmatter! P.S. Be on the lookout for a blog post for your caregivers and parents. We’re here to help them talk to YOU!