My Sisters' Place is excited to offer the Beacon of Hope - Shining a Light on Domestic Violence and its Intersections training series for service providers and community members.
If you have any questions, please contact
Shining a Light on the Intersection of Violence, Faith and Religion
Thursday, March 20, 2025
10-11:30 AM
Faith and religious traditions are a major part of who we are, whether we were raised in a particular tradition in childhood, chose a particular tradition as adults or rejected a particular tradition altogether. Whether our experiences have been positive and/or negative, when we face a crisis or experience trauma, it is likely that dimensions of our religious experiences, even if they are only faint remnants, will surface.
Even a surface understanding of how these traditions impact survivors as possible forms of oppression or a source of strength can be an important dimension of cultural competence that is vital to the well-being of DV and Human Trafficking survivors. This interactive training is open to all service providers, community leaders, advocates and friends who are committed to addressing the holistic needs of our clients, neighbors, congregants and friends.
Supporting LGBTQ Survivors at the Intersection of DV/IPV and Homelessness
Date to be announced