A new school year is just around the corner, which means another year of learning exciting new things! Are you interested in adding dynamics of healthy relationships to your knowledge toolbelt?

MSP provides educational workshops and trainings on domestic violence and healthy relationships, as well as student leadership opportunities like our Giant Steps program and Summer Leadership Institute. By attending our workshops or joining our leadership programs, you too are part of the movement to create a world where everyone has the basic human right to be free from gender-based violence and to engage in relationships that embrace the principles of respect, equality, and safety.

Read on to learn about each of our education staff members and what they do at MSP!


 Brintha Jeyalingam, LMSW (she/her) — Senior   Director of Community Collaborations

 4 years with MSP

I oversee the Community Education and Prevention team and the DSS/DV Collaboration. Before coming to MSP, I worked with survivors of domestic violence at Sakhi for South Asian Women and Safe Homes of Orange County. I also worked at a human rights organization in Bangkok, Thailand where I led a leadership and advocacy program for women activists from Burma. I have experience in fundraising, development, and event-planning in non-profit and higher education settings.

Contact: bjeyalingam@mspny.org



Kym McNair (she/her) — Director of Social Transformation
11 years with MSP

The majority of my trainings and lectures are offered in hospitals, clinics and nursing schools. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with community partners who have overcome numerous challenges COVID presented in the past year. I'm also looking forward to watching DVEP and Giant Steps, the two programs I supervise, rise to the challenges presented by the pandemic and continue to give students across Westchester County a sense of their own power to become change agents in their schools and communities. Finally, as MSP continues to live out its guiding principles, I'll continue to provide leadership, and educate and motivate my colleagues and community partners to become empowered organizers in the movement to end gender-based violence. 

Contact: kmcnair@mspny.org



 Kathryn Strangolagalli, LMSW (she/her) —   Coordinator, Giant Steps Through Athletics

 2.5 years with MSP

I'm really looking forward to partnering with our second ever cohort* of middle and high school student athletes on our Giant Steps Student Athlete Advisory Board (SAAB). I’m excited to see the impact they’ll make in their own schools and communities as we continue to develop our Giant Steps program together. I'm also very excited about the possibility of having Giant Steps Through Athletics Tik Tok and Instagram accounts that will be student-led, so student athletes can spread our message!

*We are open to a new cohort of Westchester 8th-12th grade student athletes both in school and community-based sports. For more information, visit our Giant Steps page, or click here to join! 

Contact: kstrangolagalli@mspny.org



Jay Tyler (they/he) — Manager of Youth Education and Prevention 

1 month with MSP!

I may be the newest addition to the Education and Prevention team and to Westchester County, but I’ve spent the last 5 years helping create spaces for LGBTQ+ middle and high school students in Rockland County to live authentically. By leading workshops, facilitating support groups, and organizing conferences, I’ve worn many different hats as both an educator and advocate for students across the Hudson Valley. 

I recently graduated from SUNY New Paltz’s Humanistic/Multicultural Education (newly named Social Justice Education) program with my Master’s in Professional Studies. I’m eager to bring my knowledge into every workshop that I help create with the team. My goal for the fall is to create curriculum that’s accessible for all students; it’s my personal philosophy that every single person has the potential to learn, and as educators it’s our job to provide the foundation for that to happen. I’m working on expanding the current structure of the education program to provide opportunities for students to cofacilitate workshops to their peers and classmates. By providing these spaces for student leaders to build on their skills, we establish an environment where youth and the adults that support them can organize and make change in our community, together.

Contact: DVEPStaff@mspny.org  



 Jacqueline Mamorsky, MPA (she/her) — Project             Coordinator

 2.5 years with MSP

I’m looking forward to continuing connecting with our          collaboration partners and Deaf Community in Westchester County this year. MSP is in the process of making our services accessible for Deaf Survivors, as well as creating a Healthy Relationships curriculum for Deaf students (aged 11 and up) with our two collaboration partners: New York School for the Deaf and New York-Presbyterian Westchester Behavioral Health Center’s Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program.

Contact: jmamorsky@mspny.org  



Currently the Education and Prevention team provides a variety of workshops for students and community members both in person and virtually.

If you’re interested in bringing MSP to your classroom or workplace, please email one of our team members so we can set up a Zoom meeting to discuss what we can do to best support you and your group’s needs. We look forward to having you join us!