By Vivian Todini, Manager of Youth Education and Prevention


When we are in class with students, what do YOUth tell us they want in a cool, great, awesome AND healthy relationship? YOUth tell us trust, compromise, acceptance, fun, and honesty, among other positive attributes.

What do you want in a relationship? Take a piece of paper and draw a blank heart. Now, fill it up with everything you want in a relationship! When you start dating, or if you are in a relationship now, do a Heart Check. Take time to look at the heart you drew and see if you are experiencing the qualities that you want in a relationship. If you aren’t, check in with yourself to see if this is the right relationship for you.

If you don’t want to make a heart, draw two columns: What I Want and What I Don’t Want. If you start to experience what you don’t want, then take a pause. Ask yourself, "Is my relationship grounded in respect, equality and safety?" "Does my partner treat me like an equal, with respect and with comforting and reassuring behavior? Or am I walking on eggshells, always worried about how they will react or what they might say or do?" "Is my partner controlling?"

Remember: YOUth deserve all of the great and wonderful experiences of a healthy relationship! As one student recently told us, “Thank you for telling me I deserve all the good stuff. I needed to hear that.”

Happy Valentine’s Day to you. You deserve it all because YOUthMatter!


If you feel unsafe in your relationship, please call our 24/7 hotline at 1-800-298-7233 (SAFE).

Our counselors are trained to help people begin the process of safely leaving an abusive relationship.